Mortar, a bonding agent between building materials, is mainly a mixture of water, fine aggregate (sand, surki, etc) and binding material like cement, lime etc. The applications of mortar in various construction phase have made it a very important civil engineering material.


Some of the numerous functions of mortar in construction are given below.

  1. Mortar is used to bind together the bricks or stones in brick or stone masonry.
  2. It is used to give a soft even bed between different layers of brick or stone masonry for equal distribution of pressure over the bed.
  3. It is used to fill up the spaces between bricks or stones for making walls tight.
  4. It is used in concrete as a matrix.
  5. It is used in plastering works to hide the joints and to improve appearance.
  6. It is used for molding and ornamental purpose.


Tag: use, mortar, uses of mortar, use of mortar, application of mortar, use of mortar in construction, functions of mortar, mortar function, functions of mortar, mortar functions.




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