Rocks are a natural solid substance. From building to highways- we can find the rocks almost everywhere. The robustness of rocks has played a significant role in everyday life. All the major uses of rocks are discussed here.
Rock, in geology, is naturally occurring and coherent aggregate of one or more minerals. Such aggregates constitute the basic unit of which the solid Earth is comprised and typically form recognizable and mappable volumes.
Uses of Rock
Uses of rocks in Civil and Highway Engineering are:
- Blocks of stones are used in foundations, walls, bridge pier, abutments, lighthouses, aqueducts, and retaining walls.
- Rocks are used for masonry work, lintels, and vertical columns, covering floors of the building.
- Flags or thin slabs are used for paving, roofing, etc.
- Broken or crushed rocks are used as aggregates in concrete, in road constructions.
- Broken or crushed rocks are also used as railway ballast.
- Stone screenings are used as a natural substitute for sand.
- Limestone is the basic material for the manufacture of lime concrete and cement. {adselite}
- Rocks are used as blocks along the river and canal banks for preventing erosion called riprap.
- Base material for water and sewage filters, in case of waterworks and sewage treatment plants.
- Limestone is also used as a flux in the blast furnaces.
- In the construction of the masonry dam, stones of good quality and durability are of vital importance.
- For ornamental works in and outside the buildings, like blocks, slabs, and chips.