Irrigation is one of the most important useful things in mankind. There are a lot of methods for irrigation but the main point of this is to give water to the plant effectively and efficiently. Our earth and everything on it is dependent on many things and one of those things includes the plant. Plant respires by giving oxygen and taking in carbon dioxide, therefore the oxygen it releases are inhaled by all living organism such as animals, humans, or anything that depends on water. We need irrigation methods for agriculture as the rain is something that is dependent on the season such as in the temperate zone.

Irrigation. source:
The more you read the more information you would get if you have plans regarding agriculture or anything that is related to the soil or plant.
Soil irrigation is the process by which we can use water that is supplied to any land according to their need for various purposes. We often pour water excessively which often results in the destruction of the soil. The interval of water supply need by a particular plantation can also be controlled by irrigation. It aids to grow an abundance amount of crops by preserving the texture of the soil for better growth. It also helps to maintain the topography, as well as it helps to grow the vegetation again back in loam.
There was a time when people suffered through a lot of crisis only because of insufficient rain as it takes a lot of water to take care of large farmland, pouring water over ground was quite impossible as it takes a lot of manpower and time, which costs the farmer more than that he can make out of the farmland. Once the farmer had the irrigation method and little investment they can now be able to do business all over the year even if it’s not the right time.
Rainfall verses Irrigation Method
Rainfall is nature's irrigation process but it does its work through precipitation, which is water falling from the sky to the soil. The quality of the food doesn’t depend on the shortage of water but is open to water shortage when rainfall is less.
Irrigation is the artificial process of pouring water all over the soil by various processes such as spraying, tubes, and pumps. Often on temperate zones and places where the rain falls ones in a year or rarely needs this artificial process. There are many types of irrigation systems that I would be including in the next paragraph.
Irrigation water can come from various locations depends on the water link of that land. It can either come from wells/ surface water/ rivers/ lakes or ground waters or other unnamed sources.
Types of Irrigation Methods
Followings are the types of irrigation methods-
- Surface Irrigation
- Localized Irrigation
- Drip Irrigation
- Sprinkler Irrigation
- Center Pivot Irrigation
- Lateral Move Irrigation
- Sub-Irrigation
- Manual Irrigation
A brief description of these irrigation types is given below. Also, we have published details of some of these irrigation methods. Links of those articles are provided herewithin.
Surface Irrigation
Water is scattered equally throughout the land with the help of gravitational pull and it doesn’t require a machine to take care of it. This consists of a vast amount of irrigation methods in which water is scattered, the things you need to have before you introduce the irrigation water to the basins are by siphons, gated pipe. This system is best suited for areas that have a parallel slope or flat surface and a moderate fine-textured soil type. This helps the surface to have water spread through it evenly as it moves down across the basin. There are three types of surface irrigation:
- Basin irrigation
- Furrow irrigation
- Flood irrigation
- Bay/border strip irrigation
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Localized Irrigation
Water is scattered throughout the land under low pressure. A piped network, that passes throughout the soil, is used for water distribution so that all the plant gets water effectively.
Drip Irrigation
In this process of drip irrigation, the water drops fall on the root of every plant that is around the system. The plants absorb the dropped water using their roots. In this process, the evaporation and runoff are minimized so we can ensure less water loss.
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Sprinkler Irrigation
Water is scattered throughout the land by high-pressure sprinklers or guns from the equator of the land or from a moving platform that would be sprinkled as it moves.
Center Pivot Irrigation
Water is scattered throughout the land by a machine of sprinklers that move on wheeled towers in 360 degrees pattern or a circle that would move around the land and sprinkle water all over the soil and it is really efficient and effective and this procedure or system is well recommended in a lot of countries but mostly used in the USA.
Lateral Move Irrigation
Water is scattered throughout the land evenly through a series of pipes or water lines, they can either be controlled by hands which could be less effective compared to a man-made machine for sprinkling water all over the land. The sprinkles move only a recommended distance on the field and for the next land, the Reconnection of the water hose is required to cover the next distance. Compared to the other irrigation systems, lateral move irrigation system tends to be way cheaper but requires a lot of labor or manpower.
In this process, the surrounding water table is raised to scatter water evenly across the land. Methods like pumping stations, canals, gates, ditches, and a few other systems are used to raise the water table. This irrigation method is one of the most effective for scattering water throughout the areas with a high water table.
Manual Irrigation
Water is scattered across evenly around the field with the help of manual power such as labors and watering cans. This system is very labor concentrated.
Each of these methods is useful in its own specific way and it depends on how you are using it and what you are using it on. The lade matters as sometimes the best irrigation system might seem to have flaws in it. Make sure you determine the soil you are using and check whether you have a good supply reservoir filled with water around you which would make it easier for you to take care of your plants.