Timber is an important construction material. It is used as building structural element as well as door, window, partition etc. Perfect timber logs would make the construction work simple. But unfortunately, timber usually possess different types of defects. Following PDF files regarding defects in timber are published on different websites. To make it easy for the learners, we have embedded these pdf files together. Note that, these pdf files are not a property of civiltoday.com and if violets any copyright issue please feel free to let us know.
Defects in Timber pdf 1
The following pdf lecture is uploaded in moyleparkwoodwork.weebly.com for students of Moyle Park College. Here the following topics of defects in timber are discussed:
- Types of Defects
- Natural Defects - Knots
- Natural Defects
- Types of Shakes
- Types of surveying
- Artificial Defects: Seasoning
- Seasoning Defects
- Conversion Defects
Analysis of Red Oak Timber Defects and Associated Internal Defect Area for the Generation of Simulated Logs