Pile and Pier foundations are two different types of deep foundation used in construction. To choose between these two types of deep foundations a foundation engineer must know the differences between them. The main differences between the pier and pile foundation are given below.
Pile Foundation | Pier Foundation | |
1 | In pile foundation, the loads are transferred by means of vertical timber, concrete or steel. | Pier foundation consists of cylindrical columns to support and transfer large superimposed loads to firm strata. |
2 | Piles are driven through the overburden soils into the load-bearing strata. | Piers are drilled with the drill machine. |
3 | Pile foundations transfer the load through friction (in case of friction piles) or through both friction and bearing ( in case of combined end bearing and friction piles). | Pier foundations transfer load through bearing only. |
4 | Pile foundations are of great depth. | Pier foundations are of shallow depth. |
5 | Pile Foundation exists where there are no firm strata at reachable depth and the loading is uneven | Pier foundation is used where top strata consist of decomposed rock, stiff clays. |
6 | The types of pile foundation are end-bearing piles, friction piles, compaction piles, anchor piles, tension or uplift piles, sheet and batter piles, etc. | The types of pier foundations are masonry or concrete piers and drilled caissons. |
7 | Pile foundation is required to resist greater loads like a load of bridge or flyover. | Pier foundations are required for small loading. |
keywords: the difference between pile and pier foundation, Difference Between Pile and Pier support, Piers vs. Piles, Pier vs Pile, Piles vs. Piers, Whats the difference between a pile and a pier used in foundations, What is the difference between pile foundation and pier foundation
Pile Foundation Articles
- What is Pile Foundation? Types of Pile Foundation
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- Differences Between Pile and Pier Foundation
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