Advantages and Disadvantages of Raft Foundation
The raft foundation or mat foundation is a very popular type of foundation. Before selecting raft foundation for a project, its advantages and disadvantages must be considered.
The raft foundation or mat foundation is a very popular type of foundation. Before selecting raft foundation for a project, its advantages and disadvantages must be considered.
While designing and constructing a raft foundation one must take all the necessary precautions which are applicable for any type of construction.
Besides those precautions, one must tak…
Foundations which carry and spread concentrated loads to the soil from superstructures is called pad foundation. They are usually placed to transfer point loads from the column or framed structures a…
Advantages of pad foundations are written below-
Disadvantages of pad foundations are written below
Foundation is one of the most important parts of the structure. It transfers the total loads from the structure to the soil and provides stability to the structure. Foundation can be primarily classif…
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